

YFL College has different academic departments that provide varied specialized qualifications.

Academic Departments

Certificate, Diploma & Degree Courses

We provide training that fosters linkages with industry and other institutions to promote quality and relevant training for the future of Somaliland. 

Business, management, accounts, finance, and Human Resource (HR) courses

IT Support, Data analysis, IT, Cybersecurity, and Google Career courses

Providing graphic design, web design, Journalism, and other digital media skills

Offers courses in personal and community health sciences and wellbeing

Courses in catering, food, hotel, tourism, restaurant and cruise sectors

Vocational & Technical

Courses for specific occupations and trades with work-based training Metalwork, Woodwork, Electricity, Aviation Technology, Building Construction, Power Mechanics, Leatherwork, Culinary arts, Hairdressing & Beauty Therapy, Marine & Fisheries, Manufacturing, Media Technology

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Industry ready and focused qualifications

All our courses provide either hands-on work based training or work placements for learners during or after training thereby increasing their employability and entrepreneurial prospects upon qualification. Below is the departmental success in meeting work placement requirements and post-training success in getting a job or establishing a business.

Business & Management
Computing & IT
Digital & Creative Media
Health & Social Care
Engineering & Technology

Don't wait to achieve your goals.

Our courses and vocational courses equip you with the skills required by employers and /or those needed in establishing and running your own business.