Course Overview
In this QuickBooks Desktop, you will learn everything you need to know about QuickBooks Desktop. Every version of QuickBooks Desktop can be mastered by taking this course. This course will get you from beginner to expert in a very short time, very easily, regardless of what year your QuickBooks program you may have on your computer. You will enjoy learning and feel confident that you are ready to do what you need in your company or on your job.
The clear, step-by-step instructions will show you how to navigate every part of QuickBooks Desktop. We will perform the complete set-up together. You will then experience every common transaction type that can be entered into QuickBooks. You will see how to customize and manage the most important reports in QBO. You will be able to find and fix data entry mistakes. You will even be able to find anything ever entered into your company file since the moment you created it. The projects and tests replicate real-life challenges that I will show you how to overcome when using QuickBooks Desktop. The transactions we learn are what any typical company would need when using QuickBooks. We enter invoices, sales receipts and customer payments into the QuickBooks company file we make together.
Career Opportunities
- Accountant
- Book keeper
- Expert in QuickBooks
- Report Analyzer
What we offer:
Now that you have a better idea of where a Quick Book installation Certificate can take you, it’s time to start dreaming big this career only represent the baseline of the kind of work you can do to optimize security in public places you must integrate Quick book system with safety plans.